* Common js file for timeline.
( function( $ ) {
// Listen for events.
window.addEventListener("load", uagbTimelineInit)
window.addEventListener("resize", uagbTimelineInit)
window.addEventListener("scroll", uagbTimelineInit)
// Callback function for all event listeners.
function uagbTimelineInit() {
var timeline = $(".uagb-timeline")
if(timeline.parents(".wp-block").length == 0 ){
timeline.each(function() {
var line_inner = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__line__inner")
var line_outer = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__line")
var $icon_class = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__marker")
var $card_last = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__field:last-child")
var $document = $(document)
// Set top and bottom for line.
var timeline_start_icon = $icon_class.first().position()
var timeline_end_icon = $icon_class.last().position()
line_outer.css("top", timeline_start_icon.top )
var timeline_card_height = $card_last.height()
var last_item_top = $card_last.offset().top - $(this).offset().top
var $last_item, parent_top
if( $(this).hasClass("uagb-timeline__arrow-center")) {
line_outer.css("bottom", timeline_end_icon.top )
parent_top = last_item_top - timeline_start_icon.top
$last_item = parent_top + timeline_end_icon.top
} else if( $(this).hasClass("uagb-timeline__arrow-top")) {
var top_height = timeline_card_height - timeline_end_icon.top
line_outer.css("bottom", top_height )
$last_item = last_item_top
} else if( $(this).hasClass("uagb-timeline__arrow-bottom")) {
var bottom_height = timeline_card_height - timeline_end_icon.top
line_outer.css("bottom", bottom_height )
parent_top = last_item_top - timeline_start_icon.top
$last_item = parent_top + timeline_end_icon.top
var num = 0
var elementEnd = $last_item + 20
var connectorHeight = 3 * $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__marker:first").height()
var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
var viewportHeightHalf = viewportHeight/2 + connectorHeight
var elementPos = $(this).offset().top
var new_elementPos = elementPos + timeline_start_icon.top
var photoViewportOffsetTop = new_elementPos - $document.scrollTop()
if (photoViewportOffsetTop < 0) {
photoViewportOffsetTop = Math.abs(photoViewportOffsetTop)
} else {
photoViewportOffsetTop = -Math.abs(photoViewportOffsetTop)
if ( elementPos < (viewportHeightHalf) ) {
if ( (viewportHeightHalf) + Math.abs(photoViewportOffsetTop) < (elementEnd) ) {
line_inner.height((viewportHeightHalf) + photoViewportOffsetTop)
if ( (photoViewportOffsetTop + viewportHeightHalf) >= elementEnd ) {
} else {
if ( (photoViewportOffsetTop + viewportHeightHalf ) < elementEnd ) {
if (0 > photoViewportOffsetTop) {
line_inner.height((viewportHeightHalf) - Math.abs(photoViewportOffsetTop))
} else {
line_inner.height((viewportHeightHalf) + photoViewportOffsetTop )
if ( (photoViewportOffsetTop + viewportHeightHalf) >= elementEnd ) {
//Icon bg color and icon color
var timeline_icon_pos, timeline_card_pos
var elementPos, elementCardPos
var timeline_icon_top, timeline_card_top
var timeline_icon = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__marker"),
animate_border = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__field-wrap")
if( animate_border.length == 0 ){
animate_border = $(this).find(".uagb-timeline__animate-border")
for (var i = 0; i < timeline_icon.length; i++) {
timeline_icon_pos = $(timeline_icon[i]).offset().top
timeline_card_pos = $(animate_border[i]).offset().top
elementPos = $(this).offset().top
elementCardPos = $(this).offset().top
timeline_icon_top = timeline_icon_pos - $document.scrollTop()
timeline_card_top = timeline_card_pos - $document.scrollTop()
if ( ( timeline_card_top ) < ( ( viewportHeightHalf ) ) ) {
} else {
// Remove classes if element is below than half of viewport.
if ( ( timeline_icon_top ) < ( ( viewportHeightHalf ) ) ) {
// Add classes if element is above than half of viewport.
} else {
// Remove classes if element is below than half of viewport.
} )( jQuery )